Along the same empowering lines of thinking, let them "own" the work. Teach the concept, not the details. Demonstrate and explain when it is absolutely necessary to stay within the lines, but let them "color outside the lines" or "think out of the box" on their own, putting their own spin on the work, based on their own prior knowledge or curiosity. It's never wrong if they are learning something...even when it's not what we expected them to be learning. The thinking is what really matters! Provoke the inquisitive nature and the desire to create that children are blessed with! They naturally come equipped to learn...let them go for it. Don't get hung up on "doing it right" and stop giving them the answers! Let them read their writing to you, let them explain their process to you...allow them to share what is going on in their minds as they explore, and allow them to change it to fit how they perceive it should be - you may learn something new!
It's their process and their outcome...Let Them Feel It!